

Baccarat Software

Predictor777 is a new software designed to be used in the prediction of plays in any type of Baccarat and of any number of cards, being especially effective for Baccarat online games and Baccarat online live play.

The Predictor777 algorithm is designed with the 2 most important factors in this game in mind, these two factors make the difference between winning or losing your money in each Baccarat session:

1- When plays alternate between BANKER or PLAYER and this give the impression of “erratic” plays, e.g “BPBBPBPPTBP”  or when the sequence of plays stays in the same place, e.g “BBBBBPPPPPP”.

Many times when we finish a Baccarat session and stop to analyze the plays that have occurred, we then notice the following: sequences of plays followed like “PPPPPPP” and we asked ourselves “why not take advantage of that sequence …” or we noticed that there were quite erratic sequences like “BPPBPBBTPPB” and we realize (a little late already) that in these parts of the game we bet our money and we lost it!  

Taking this into account, Predictor777 baccarat software has a play selection algorithm capable of recognizing the moment when certain plays will be more potential than others, as well as how much money to bet at those times.

2- Amount of money bet for each play: without bet control, without a methodical betting plan you will not be able to resist (unless you have an infinite fund of money) when things are not in your favor, in the same way, a control of money bet will help you to win quickly and/or avoid wasting of money unnecessarily.

How many times have you as a player not seen parts of the game or sequences of plays and wondered: “why did I not bet in this area” or “I should have taken advantage of this part of the game”.

Through a systematic control of the money bet Predictor777 baccarat prediction software will help you to see winnings more quickly, taking advantage of more effectively the best parts of the game that players often do not take advantage of until it is too late to have recognized then.

Predictor777 has 3 betting modes:

1- Customizable mode: it will allow you to configure the amount of chips bet for each play, allowing you to configure from a very conservative way of betting to the most aggressive way (up to a maximum of 9 units per bet).

***Important note***
To use this betting method we strongly recommend reading the user manual in detail and the recommendations and indications that we make in it.

2- Method 3-4-5: this system increases one unit for each victory and subtracts one unit for each loss.

3- Method 3-2-1: this system subtracts one unit for each victory and increases one unit for each victory.

The game strategy (where to bet Banker or Player) is not allowed to set as this is the neural part of Predictor777.

With the amount system bet included in Predictor777 you will earn faster winnings for every Baccarat session played.

Predictor777 combines a powerful play pattern recognition algorithm that will help you identify the best times to bet, in addition to this it includes a system of number of units bet depending on the level of difficulty or ease that is present in the game, the consideration of these two factors will be decisive in obtaining true winnings (approximately 7-9 units) for each session of Baccarat that you play.

Predictor777 is a specialized tool for Baccarat online games and Baccarat online live play, it has an appreciably intuitive design, easy to use, fully configurable for any type of budget, allowing you to place bets that go from conservative to more aggressive bets.

Predictor777 will show you on the screen all the necessary information such as:

  • Where to place your bet (Banker or Player) and also the amount of    chips that you must bet.
  • Result obtained for each bet made.
  • Amount of chips bet, differentiating winnings from losses.
  • It shows you the total balance of your money at all times, this way you will have control over your winnings in the game of  Baccarat.

We invite you to purchase this powerful Baccarat prediction software in our “Shop” section now and for a limited time at a super price per launch.

Acquire Predictor777 securely and easily by following these steps:
1. Click the “Buy Predictor777” button and you will be directed to our sales page.
2. There, you can make your purchase through PayPal, ensuring the security and protection of your payment thanks to the strict standards of this platform.
3. Once the payment is made, the automatic download of Predictor777 will begin on your device. In addition, a download button for the product will be displayed, ensuring easy ownership of the product.

With your purchase, Baccarat777 guarantees that you will have completely free access to any future updates that may occur. This ensures that the value of your investment increases over time, at no additional cost to you

Furthermore, we ensure lifetime backup of your purchase. If, for any reason, you were to lose, misplace, or accidentally delete your app, rest assured that it can be easily restored. All that is required is your digital purchase receipt, which is automatically sent to your email upon completion of the purchase. With this, we can promptly reissue your app, giving you peace of mind about the security of your investment.

Baccarat software

Video showing how to use our powerful Predictor777 baccarat prediction software.
Predictor777 is a reliable and accurate software at the moment of indicating to you where the next play will be and what is the appropriate amount of chips to bet.

Predictor777 vs Online Casino

On this occasion we bring to you this video where we present our new and powerful Predictor777 vs Online Casino live play.

You can see how easy and simple it is to keep track of the plays, you can also appreciate the clear and effective way in which Predictor777 tells you when to bet where you should do it (BANKER, PLAYER or TIE) and how many units to bet (remember that the units bet will depend on the settings you make in Predictor777) from 1 units per bet, up to 10 units per bet.

You can also see in the video that the first step is to configure Predictor777 (we use the 3-2-1 configuration, somewhat conservative) and then start tracking the plays and automatically Predictor777 will indicate where to make your next move.

Predictor777 reaches 18 units won:

We attach here the 2 links to our YouTube channel:
In this session Predictor777 reaches 15 units won.
In this session Predictor777 reaches 14 units won.

The Baccarat777 team.

Predictor777 vs Online Casino live play